Press Releases

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Latest Press Releases

Press Release

Artemis Accords: One Small Step for NASA, Not So Giant a Leap for Space Law

WASHINGTON D.C. — NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine today unveiled the “Artemis Accords” — a set of principles designed to allow the U.S. collaborate with other national space programs and private companies worldwide in the next great push to the Moon and beyond. The Accords build on the Outer Space Treaty…

Press Release

Clean-up on Aisle Net Neutrality: FCC to Adopt Order on Mozilla Remand

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, FCC Chairman Pai blogged that the FCC will take up at its October 2020 open meeting an order dealing with the issues remanded by the Mozilla court, which largely affirmed the agency’s 2018 Restoring Internet Freedom Order (RIFO). TechFreedom filed comments and reply comments with the FCC regarding the Mozilla court’s narrow remand of discrete issues.…

Press Release

Commenters Have Not Explained Why RIFO Affected Public Safety, Lifeline or Pole Attachments

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, TechFreedom filed reply comments with the FCC regarding the Mozilla court’s narrow remand of discrete issues in the Restoring Internet Freedom Order (RIFO), in the latest round of the net neutrality debate. As in the comments we filed a month ago, TechFreedom explained why the FCC will have little difficulty in addressing…

Press Release

Don’t Let Texas Break the Internet, TechFreedom Urges Supreme Court

Last week, just two days after hearing oral argument, and without issuing an opinion, the Fifth Circuit stayed a district court order blocking enforcement of HB 20, Texas’s social media speech regulation—which means the law is now in effect, during litigation over its constitutionality. This startingly radical move placed in a terrible bind…

Press Release

EU-US Privacy Shield Extended, Keeping the Internet Global and Open—for Now

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the European Commission finished its third annual review of the EU-US Privacy Shield framework, extending for another year the agreement that allows U.S. companies to handle European personal data — and thus serve European users. But a looming decision from the European Court of Justice could…

Press Release

Letting Texas’s Unconstitutional Online Speech Code Take Effect Is “Startlingly Radical”

Today, just two days after hearing oral argument, and without issuing an opinion, the Fifth Circuit stayed a district court order blocking enforcement of HB 20, Texas’s social media speech regulation. “This is a startlingly radical move,” said Corbin K. Barthold, TechFreedom Internet Policy Counsel. “Especially when considered alongside some…

Press Release

Revisions to the Merger Guidelines Should Be Incremental

Yesterday, TechFreedom filed comments to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in response to the agencies’ Request for Information regarding potential revisions to the Horizontal and Vertical Merger Guidelines. TechFreedom’s comments explain that the Merger Guidelines have succeeded in significant part because they do not try to do too much.…

Press Release

TechFreedom Files in Amicus in the Latest Net Neutrality Litigation

Today, TechFreedom filed an amicus curiae brief opposing legal challenges to the Restoring Internet Freedom Order approved by the FCC late last year. Petitioners have asked the D.C. Circuit to reinstate the broad claims of power to regulate Internet services made by the FCC in 2015 and 2010. TechFreedom has consistently opposed…